Hi there 👋

I’m Philip, a freelance IT consultant and Indie Hacker from 🇩🇪

  • On my main blog rieckpil, I create content under the slogan Testing Spring Boot Applications Made Simple with a focus on Java, Kotlin, Spring Boot, Testing and AWS 🍃
  • This site acts as a meta blog for topics that don’t fit on my technical blog: freelancing, motivation, indie hacking, productivity, etc.

Giving My First Talk at a Public Conference

Journey & Lessons Learned - Stepping out of my comfort zone to give a technical talk at a public conference in front of more than 150 developers.

June 20, 2022 · 14 min · Philip

Self-Publishing a Book With (Almost) Complete Strangers

A two-year retrospect after co-authoring and self-publishing a technical ebook on Leanpub about Java, Spring Boot, and AWS with co-authors I met on Twitter.

April 18, 2022 · 29 min · Philip

How I Made $35k Selling My First Online Course - A Retrospect

A one-year retrospect after creating and selling my first online course: my strategy, the actual journey, mistakes, and recommendations.

October 22, 2021 · 32 min · Philip

Commiting to GitHub for 365 Consecutive Days

I published my first article on Medium about a developer habit I started one year ago. To improve my personal development skills, I dedicated at least 30 minutes every day to code and learn something new. Looking back after 365 days, I can totally recommend it to everyone to take time out of the usual schedule to improve your skills. Developer Habit: Committing code to GitHub for 365 consecutive days My main motivation to start working on my skills every day was inspired by the following quote:...

February 3, 2019 · 2 min · philip

Making First Place at my Second Hackathon

From the 19th to 21st of October 2018 the Hackathon Digital Tech Summit took place in Nuremberg as part of theDigital Festival in Nuremberg. With more than 500 attendees and 23 Hackathon teams , it was my second and yet biggest Hackathon and my team made the first place . We developed a solution for Siemens Healthineers to track their shipments of medical equipment so they are able to recognize possible damage and inform e....

October 28, 2018 · 7 min · philip